After trial and error (this started off as a top for me, but I made it too big, then too small, then it became a top for Mia!) I have figured out a tutorial for this top that works for child or adult! So here goes:
You will need:
A metre of fabric for an adult, less for a child
Matching thread
1cm wide elastic
1. Measure whoever the top is for. You will need 2 measurements. Around the hips and from underarm to hip.
2. Cut out your fabric. You will need 2 squares that measure
Half of hip measurement plus 10cms (child) or 20 cms (adult) and measurement from underarm to hip plus 5cms
e.g: If you are making it for a child that is 64cms around the hip and 30cms from underarm to hip, each of your squares (or rectangles if you want to be picky) will be 42cm x 35cms.
You will also need 2 straps that are 4cms by enough length to hold the top up.
3. Sew your 2 squares together, right sides together, on both sides.
4. Fold under and press 2cms at the bottom (hem) and 3cms at the top (for elastic). You will either need to overlock edges to stop fraying or fold under a little bit so raw edge isn't exposed.
5. Sew these, leaving a gap in the top to insert elastic.
6. Put elastic around chest under arms and cut so that it is firm but not so tight it is uncomfortable.
7. Insert elastic and stitch ends together and stitch where you have inserted it closed.
8. Overlock edges of straps. Fold in 3, press, and top stitch to hold it together. Pin these to underside of top in correct place to hold top up, with overlocked edges to bottom. Stitch 2 lines of stitching on either end of both straps to hold it in place.
All done! Wasn't that easy! Now wait for some sun to wear it in!
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